Homeland of Fairy-Dragon - Hồn Trống Việt

Homeland of Fairy-Dragon

We call our homeland, Đất Nước, have two national Totems: Fairy-Dragon or Tiên Rồng, and often say “We are the children of Dragon and grandchildren of Fairy”. That pride is inculcated & spread through the legend about the creation of the country, the Tale of Fairy – Dragon1Vietnamese dragons (Vietnamese: Rồng; chữ Nôm: 蠪; Sino-Vietnamese: Long; chữ Hán: 龍) are symbolic creatures in Vietnamese folklore and mythology. According to an ancient origin myth, the Vietnamese people are descended from a dragon and a fairy. Source: Vietnamese dragon. Wikipedia.

The Creation Myth

Fig. 1: Children of Dragon & grandchildren of Fairy

Lac Long Quan married Au Co. Stayed together for a while Au Co was pregnant and gave birth to an egg sac that hatched a hundred eggs. Each egg hatched a beautiful, healthy & intelligent child2Not only Vietnamese, but also many other traditions talk about creation or human formation from the egg. Source Lược Sử Tộc Việt.

Living warmly together, but still remembering the Aquarium, one day Lac Long Quan said to Au Co: you are a fairy, growing up in high mountains, I am a Dragon, used to live in the sea, it is difficult to live together permanently. Please take 50 children to the mountain, I take 50 to the sea. Despite the distance and separation, we’ll listen, look after each other & whenever should one be in need, we’ll meet in the Central Field.

Am, Duong & the Center

The story of Fairy-Dragon is not only mysterious, poetic, lyrical but also express the key concepts of Viet Drum Law of Changes (VDC) or ADNH Theory such as Dao, TCV, Am Duong & the Bipolar Unity principle.

The central field represents the Center or Dao. The pairs: Au Co – Lac Long Quan, Fairy-Dragon, Earth (Mountain) – Water, Logic – Love, represent 2 polars Am Duong (AD, Yang Yin). The implications are:

Fig. 2: The sum total of Lac Do (45) & Hong thu (55) is 100.
  • Am Duong’s exchange & combination give birth to everything: 100 (children) or the sum total of Lac Do (45) & Hong thu (55).
  • Am & Duong are opposite & contradictory.
  • Even though opposite & divided, Am & Duong never leave each other & promise that whenever in need, they’ll meet at the central Field or Dao, where all differences & conflicts will be resolved.

The dragon symbolizes talent, wisdom, majesty, strength, and the ability to transform immensely – Even though lives in the see, Dragon can also run on the earth & fly freely on the sky. They are all Yin or Âm because they are hidden inside. But the nature of Yin is to come out (from the Center) & is called Yang Qi or Khí Dương.

Fig. 3: Up Down – Returning & Going out

The most important position of the Central field is similar to the higher & up place. Thus, saying “follow the Father down the sea” means that Father Lac Long Quan (Càn, Thien, Dragon) and his children goes out to express the creativity, self-reliance and independence of Yang Qi to build, create a community & society.

On the opposite, Fairy is a sanctified person, symbolizing transcendence, elegance compassion & the human’s ideal to transform into Fairy bird to fly freely on the sky. Therefore, “follow the Mother up the mountain” implies that the children, following Mother Au Co (Khon, Earth, Mountain, Fairy) to return to Dao to become a fairy. Being Fairy bird is not an escape from life because the land is still the place where the birds return after flying in the sky.

Thus, going up the mountain & down the sea is a continuous cycle of movement of Yin & Yang or Yang Qi & Yin Qi, where there is coming and going, creativity & transcendence, Dao & life … The message to the 100 children is: don’t be extreme by choosing just only Dragon or Fairy. Life is both. By expressing both to the fullest, Dragon & Fairy will become complementary & meet harmoniously in the Central field.

In addition to identifying ourselves Dragon & Fairy, we also call our country & homeland, Đất Nước (Đất means the land or earth & Nước, water) or simply Nước.

The word “Nước” is synonymous with Nác and Lạc, so it was originally used as a proper noun in the word Lạc Việt to call Vietnam in ancient times. Later it was used to indicate any nation or country, for example, we say Đất Nước tôi (My homeland), Nước Việt Nam, Nước England, Nước India, Nước Japan and so on.

Having 2 totems of Dragon & Fairy (Rồng – Tiên) & calling the homeland, Land-Water (Đất Nước) are both unusual & very rare, they become the characteristics of Vietnam.

The Center where Am & Duong meet.

Curiously, those unique features are reflected by the VDC & clearly inscribed on the Drum. First and foremost is the image of the Dao. Dao is 3 in 1. Dao is also the central field, the center & Tai Chi.

Fig. 4: Dao & TCV is 3 in 1

Next is the image of the meeting of Yin Yang with the image of a fairy bird rushing into the mouth of the Dragon on the side of the Drum.

Fig. 5: Fairy bird & Dragon
Fig. 6: Central axis, ring No. 8

Especially, on the Ring No. 8., connecting 10 deer on each side will form a huge central axis covering whole ring no. 6 where we have found HT & BQHT, and where the people’s activities are described. Ring 8 covering ring 6 shows that the central Axis or Center or Tao is also Tai Chi and encompasses all.

In addition, there are 5 pairs of male-female or Am-Duong in each 10 deer group. This is a representation of the Center field, Center or Tao where Am & Duong meet, exchange, balance, reconcile & unite.

Once again VDC shows us the importance of the Center & expressing this idea consistently & repeatedly in the multiple ways & rings.

Homeland of Fairy-Dragon

Fig. 7: Numbers 16 & 18 are the energy level of Earth Water & Double water.

Besides the deer, above & below of Ring 8 there are 2 groups of chickens moving in the Counterclockwise direction, the upper group has 6 & the lower group has 8 chickens. Combining the quantity of the deer & chicken as on the Figure 7, we’ll have 2 numbers – 16 & 18.

Fig. 8: Divide & Cut

The numbers 16 and 18 denote the energy level of 2 hexagrams: Earth Water (Khon Kham) & Double water (double Kham). They share the same denominator – Water (Kham) trigram. Like in the math, dividing both by Kham, there will be 2 trigrams left on either side of the central axis: Kham & Khon or Earth & Water.

Fig. 9: Trigrams Khon & Kham (Land & Water) & associated meanings

“Divide and Cut” is not the key language of the VDC & Drum. With the VDC & Drum, inclusion, unity & harmony are more important, and the Center or Central axis is where the unity & harmony happens. So Central axis role is equivalent to Dao or Tai Chi.

Through the Yin and Yang post, we’ve learned that the Dragon, Round, hidden, formless & Spirit represent Am (Yin). And Earth, Square, visible, formed & physical indicate Duong (Yang). We also know that the trigrams Càn, Khảm are Am, and Khôn, Cấn are Duong. So, we’ll represent the AD pairs & the Center as Figure 9.

Fig. 10: Land-Water of Fairy-Dragon, Ring No. 8

Combining the AD pairs with the VDC’s & Drum’s inclusive language, we’ll understand the message on the 8th Ring: Đất Nước Tiên Rồng – Homeland of Fairy-Dragon is the creators of the Drum, VDC & the Theory of ADNH (Yin Yang Five Interactions).

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